Industry open source software
Founder(s) Sanjiva Weerawarana, PhD; Paul Fremantle
Headquarters Sri Lanka
Number of locations USA (Palo Alto, CA), UK (Emsworth, Hampshire) and Sri Lanka Colombo 7
Key people Sanjiva Weerawarana, PhD - Founder, Chairman & CEO; Paul Fremantle - Co-Founder & CTO; James Clark - "Director"
Employees 125+ [1]

WSO2 (sometimes stylized as WSO2) is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture (SOA) solutions for professional developers. Coming quickly after an investment in Collax, an open source Linux server provider, Intel Capital has invested $4 million dollars into WSO2, a global corporation with offices located in USA (Palo Alto, CA), UK (Emsworth, Hampshire) and Sri Lanka. WSO2 was founded by Dr.Sanjiva Weerawarana in August, 2005.

WSO2 is a key contributor to Apache web services projects including Apache Axis2,[2] Apache Rampart, Apache Synapse, Apache Axiom and more. WSO2 projects are free and open source released under Apache License Version 2.[3] It follows open development principles and the architecture and development discussions are carried out through the WSO2's public mailing lists. WSO2 also organizes an annual conference named "WSO2Con" in Colombo, to discuss about SOA, Cloud Computing, IT strategies, and applications,[4] apart from the series of free webinars on the related topics.


WSO2 Carbon

WSO2 Carbon is an SOA middleware platform from WSO2. Built on OSGi, Carbon encapsulates major SOA functionality[5] such as data services, business process management, ESB routing/transformation, rules, security, throttling, caching, logging and monitoring. WSO2 products such as Application Server, Enterprise Service Bus, and Business Process Server are built on top of the WSO2 Carbon middleware platform. The WSO2 products are available to download, or can be custom-built by adding the components on top of the Carbon core.

WSO2 Stratos

WSO2 Stratos is a cloud middleware platform built based on WSO2 Carbon.[6] WSO2 StratosLive is the publicly hosted Java Platform as a Service(PaaS) of WSO2 Stratos, deployed over Amazon Infrastructure as a Service,[7] letting the users to register an account of free or paid account types, based on their requirements. WSO2 Stratos enables the WSO2 Carbon middleware platform to run on the cloud, letting all the WSO2 products to run as services.[8]

WSO2 Identity Server

The WSO2 Identity Server is an open source identity & entitlement management server having support for Information Cards, OpenID and XACML.

WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus

The WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is a simple, lightweight and high performance enterprise service bus (ESB), based on the Apache Synapse enterprise service bus, providing enhanced management and development/configuration support and SOA Governance capabilities. Ebay uses WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus as one of the key elements in its transaction software, which continuously executes $2,000 worth of transactions per second.[9]

The WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus supports the creation of Proxy Services graphically, which allows users to easily create virtual services on the ESB layer to front existing services. Existing services are SOAP, Plain Old XML (POX)/REST services over HTTP/S, as well as SOAP or legacy services over JMS, Apache VFS file systems (e.g. s/ftp, file, zip/tar/gz, webdav, and cifs), Mail systems (such as Post Office Protocol (POP3), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)), Financial Information eXchange (FIX), Hessian, and Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP).

The proxy services allows easy switching of transport, interface (WSDL/Schema/Policy), message format (SOAP 1.1, 1.2/POX/REST, Text, and Binary/Hessian), QoS (WS-Addressing, WS-Security, and WS-Reliable Messaging) and message optimization (MTOM/SwA).

The WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus takes advantage of the non-blocking https transport implementation built by Apache Synapse ESB over the Apache HttpComponents/NIO module, to handle thousands of concurrent requests using very little resources and threads. The implementation is capable of connection throttling to control the rate at which large messages are read and processed, and thus can handle heavy concurrent loads of large messages using constant memory.

The WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus also supports clustered deployments, with support for load balancing, throttling and caching over clustered deployments. The integration with the embedded WSO2 Governance Registry or an external Registry/Repository allows the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus to use externally defined resources for mediation, as well as save its configuration into an externally managed Registry/Repository for better SOA governance. The WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus can be easily extended with custom Java extensions or POJO classes, or via Apache BSF scripting languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, and Groovy. WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus ships with over 55 samples that can be executed out of the box.

WSO2 Application Server

WSO2 Application Server is an enterprise ready Web services engine powered by Apache Axis2. It is a lightweight, high performing platform for Service Oriented Architectures, enabling business logic and applications. Bringing together a number of Apache Web services projects, WSO2 Application Server provides a secure, transactional and reliable runtime for deploying and managing Web services.

WSO2 Business Process Server

WSO2 Business Process Server (BPS) is an easy-to-use Business Process Server that executes business processes written following WS-BPEL standard. WS-BPEL is emerging as the defacto standard for composing multiple synchronous and asynchronous web services into collaborative and transactional process flows which increase the flexibility and agility of your Service Oriented Architecture. WSO2 BPS is powered by Apache ODE (Apache Orchestration Director Engine). WSO2 BPS provides a complete Web based graphical console to deploy, manage and monitor business process and process instances. Some of the key features are

WSO2 Mashup Server

The WSO2 Mashup Server is an open source mashup platform that hosts JavaScript based mashups. It is based on Apache Axis2 and other open source projects, and provides JavaScript authors the ability to consume, compose and emit web services, feeds, scraped web pages, email, and instant messages. It has similarities to Microsoft Popfly, in that it provides a runtime platform for developing and deploying mashups.

The WSO2 Mashup Server is web services centric in that each mashup exposes a new web service, which can be consumed by other mashups, web service clients, or Ajax style web pages. The securability of web services make them an attractive technology within organizations deploying a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and for business mashups.

WSO2 Governance Registry

WSO2 Governance Registry is an enterprise-ready open source product for governing SOA deployments. With WSO2 Governance Registry, you can store, catalog, index and manage your enterprise metadata in a simple and scalable model.

WSO2 Data Services Server

WSO2 Data Services Server provides a convenient Web service interface for data stored in sources such as relational databases, CSV files & MS-Excel files. With WSO2 Data Services Server, data can be exposed and accessed in a secure (using WS-Security) and reliable (using WS-ReliableMessaging) manner; data is also made available for mashing-up with other Web services.

WSO2 Business Activity Monitor

The WSO2 Business Activity Monitor is a Business Activity Monitor designed to monitor and understand business activities within an SOA deployment, which also can be extended to cater for other general monitoring requirements.

WSO2 Gadget Server

The WSO2 Gadget Server is an Enterprise Information Portal, providing a framework built on top of the Google Gadget Specification, that helps enterprises organize information in their SOA across organizational boundaries.

WSO2 Business Rules Server

WSO2 Business Rules Server uses SOA to provide the service to clients, separating the business logic from the infrastructure code. WSO2 Business Rules Server allows business rules to be encapsulated in a simpler, more direct and accessible dialect focusing the business analysts.

WSO2 Web Service Framework

WSO2 Web Services Framework is a framework for web services, based on Apache Axis2/C and several related packages. It has bindings for a number of languages, including C, PHP, Java, Ruby, and more.


This module is an integration of the Apache modules

WSF/C is included in most non-Java bindings. Rather than requiring the relevant Apache packages, their distribution includes an outdated copy of them. This is consistent with the company's purpose to support and test portability and interoperability,[10] additionally providing Windows binaries, so as to boost deployment.


The PHP binding is built on top of WSF/C. It is a shared object (a.k.a. dynamic-link library) that is loaded as a PHP extension on start up. It defines a number of classes, including WSClient, WSClientProxy, WSService, WSMessage, WSHeader, WSFault, WSSecurityToken, WSPolicy, that can be readily used in PHP scripts, without requiring additional interpreted code to be loaded on each request.

Features like responding to any SOAP version as well as REST requests, latest WS-* specification, and .NET compatibility, make this a rather unique PHP library.[11]

See also


  1. ^ Duruthu Edirimuni Chandrasekera (2011-06-12). "WSO2 to expand to Europe, Australia". The Sunday Times, Sri Lanka. Retrieved 2011-08-29. 
  2. ^ "Apache Axis2 Team List". Axis2. Apache Software Foundation. 2008-08-02. Retrieved 2009-05-09.  It shows a 36 members list, out of which 10 are affiliated to WSO2, 9 to IBM, 5 to the Indiana University, 3 to Computer Associates, and 9 to other organizations.
  3. ^ The Apache Software Foundation (Jan, 2004). "Apache License, Version 2.0.". Retrieved 2011-08-29. 
  4. ^ "Technology Leaders Gathering in Sri Lanka for WSO2Con 2011". SundayTimes, Sri Lanka. 2011-08-21. Retrieved 2011-08-29. 
  5. ^ David Worthington (2009-02-09). "WSO2 launches platform built on OSGi spec". SDTimes. Retrieved 2011-08-29. 
  6. ^ Dana Gardner (2010-06-02). "WSO2 tailors open-source middleware platform for cloud-based applications, deployment models". ZDNet. Retrieved 2011-08-29. 
  7. ^ "AWS Case Study: WSO2 Embraces AWS". Amazon Web Services. Retrieved 2011-08-29. 
  8. ^ Jean-Jacques Dubray (2011-03-08). "WSO2 Launches StratosLive PaaS and the Stratos 1.5 Platform". InfoQ. Retrieved 2011-08-29. 
  9. ^ Charles Babcock (2011-08-01). "Open Source Helps eBay Process $2000 Per Second - The huge Internet auction house uses a small Sri Lankan firm's open source enterprise service bus--a little known but crucial piece of software.". InformationWeek. Retrieved 2011-08-29. 
  10. ^ Jean-Jacques Dubray (2007-07-24). "WSO2 Releases Web Service Framework/C v1.0 and announces Mashup Server". InfoQ. Retrieved 2009-05-09. 
  11. ^ Rebecca Hurst (2008-09-15). "WSO2 Web Services Framework for PHP 2.0 Significantly Enhances Industry's Only PHP...". Reuters. Retrieved 2009-05-14. 

External links